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29th September
Incubation and its effect on chick quality and broiler performance
Ron Meijerhof
0:00, 5:30, 11:00, 16:30 Lima (GMT -5)
7:00, 12:30, 18:00, 23:30 Madrid (CEST)
12:00, 17:30, 23:00, 4:30 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

For optimal performance we need an optimal incubation process, to get optimal chick quality. The temperature during incubation and then especially the temperature inside the egg plays a major role in this process. This makes incubation a relevant economical factor in broiler production.

Best practice for egg storage - how to get the best hatch and chick quality
Dinah Nicholson
0:40, 6:10, 11:40, 17:10 Lima (GMT -5)
7:40, 13:10, 18:40, 00:10 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
12:40, 18:10, 23:40, 5:10 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

In the presentation, I discuss some of the key science underlying advice about how to look after hatching eggs in such a way as to sustain embryo survival, albumin and vitelline membrane robustness and egg hygiene, interspersing published trial information with hard practical advice deriving from it. I also talk a little about how keeping a close eye on the science can help to drive decisions when needs conflict.

There is a lot behind your hatchery data, listen to it!
Marina Solé
1:20, 6:50, 12:20, 17:50 Lima (GMT -5)
8:20, 13:50, 19:20, 0:50 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
13:20, 18:50, 0:20 (+1), 5:50 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

Data analysis is an opportunity to find points of improvement or explanation for certain events. The hatchery world s rich in data, which often is not fully used. This talk will cover the path to uncomplicated data analysis, through a real case of loss of hatchability: what is happening, why it is happening, and how to improve.

A vision on the hatchery of the future
Erwin Prinzen
2:00, 7:30, 13:00, 18:30 Lima (GMT -5)
9:00, 14:30, 20:00, 1:30 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
14:00, 19:30, 1:00 (+1), 6:30 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

The world around us is changing continuously and we encounter more and more digitalization and automation in our day to day lives. This also has an effect on the poultry industry and the modern hatcheries, resulting in a vision for the hatchery of the future.

Hatchery hygiene evaluation
Noelia Antillés Silva
2:40, 8:10, 13:40, 19:10 Lima (GMT -5)
9:40, 15:10, 20:55, 2:10 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
14:40, 20:10, 1:40 (+1), 7:10 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

Inside the hatchery, there are the perfect conditions for bacteria to grow as humidity, temperature, and organic material. Having a bacterial contamination on our Day-Old Chicks, can influence negatively on their performance at a field level, so for this reason, controlling how the cleaning and disinfections are done, and evaluating several critical points, may help in improving the DOC health status.

In-ovo vaccination in practice!
Adriano Bailos
3:20, 8:50, 14:20, 19:50 Lima (GMT -5)
10:20, 15:50, 21:20, 2:50 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
15:20, 20:50, 2:20 (+1), 7:50 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

This presentation covers in a practical and comprehensive way all aspects of the process of vaccination in eggs, explaining what vaccination is, why you should vaccinate, and what possible problems can occur when it is not done correctly.

Transition to in-ovo vaccination: a case report
Monica Ortega Garcia
4:00, 9:30, 15:00, 20:30 Lima (GMT -5)
11:00, 16:30, 22:00, 3:30 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
16:00, 21:30, 3:00 (+1), 8:30 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

The talk will cover practical aspects of the transition process to in-ovo vaccination in a large scale broiler production company, from decision making through to challenges and opportunities.

The importance of microbiological control for a safe in-ovo vaccination
Jorge Muñoz Minguela 
4:40, 10:10, 15:40, 21:10 Lima (GMT -5)
11:40, 17:10, 22:40, 4:10 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
16:40, 22:10, 3:40 (+1), 9:10 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
29th September 2022

In-ovo vaccination is carried out at a sensitive time and poses a considerable risk of microbiological contamination as it involves an invasion of the embryo days before hatching. Seeing the consequences that contamination of this nature can cause and analysing its possible origins can be of great help to us.

30th September
EVANOVO®: the new coccidiosis vaccine for in-ovo administration
Joan Molist
0:00, 5:30, 11:00, 16:30 Lima (GMT -5)
7:00, 12:30, 18:00, 23:30 Madrid (CEST)
12:00, 17:30, 23:00, 4:30 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

Coccidiosis is one of the most concerning topics in poultry production. Development of optimal tools to control the disease is mandatory. At the same time, in ovo vaccination is becoming more and more popular due to its advantages. For these reasons, HIPRA has developed EVANOVO® to take advantage of the benefits of vaccination and the in ovo route.

SmartVac™ - A new approach on in-ovo vaccination
Artur Schlick
0:40, 6:10, 11:40, 17:10 Lima (GMT -5)
7:40, 13:10, 18:40, 00:10 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
12:40, 18:10, 23:40, 5:10 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

With a game changing technology, SmartVac™ has created the possibility of application of a wide range of products via in-ovo with preservation of the embryo livability. In this presentation we will see the technology itself and discuss about field results and quality of inoculation.

Hatchery vs farm vaccination against IBD: the practical approach
Kristof Van Hoye
1:20, 6:50, 12:20, 17:50 Lima (GMT -5)
8:20, 13:50, 19:20, 0:50 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
13:20, 18:50, 0:20 (+1), 5:50 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

Infectious Bursal Disease (also known as Gumboro disease) is one of the most prevalent viral infections affecting poultry chicks worldwide. Vaccination is the key element for its correct prevention and control, but there are still doubts regarding the advantages of hatchery vs farm vaccination. A practical approach for a better decision-making on the vaccination management against IBD will be discussed.

Efficacy of Gumboro Hatchery vaccines in high MDA levels
Michelle Woodward
2:00, 7:30, 13:00, 18:30 Lima (GMT -5)
9:00, 14:30, 20:00, 1:30 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
14:00, 19:30, 1:00 (+1), 6:30 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

Vaccination is the main method to control infectious bursal disease (IBD) in commercial broilers worldwide. Since interference of maternally derived antibodies (MDAs) is one of the major problems in early vaccination against IBD with live vaccines, new technological vaccines such as vector and immune complex vaccines have been developed and proved being effective even in the presence of high levels of MDAs. But, are these technological vaccines totally exempt from the effect of MDAs?

Spraying quality for the administration of coccidiosis vaccines
Luis Pantoja
2:40, 8:10, 13:40, 19:10 Lima (GMT -5)
9:40, 15:10, 20:40, 2:10 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
14:40, 20:10, 1:40 (+1), 7:10 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

Coarse spray is likely the most used method for the administration of coccidiosis vaccines. Among the options available until nowadays, it is the method considered the best due to the combination of effectiveness, quickness, easiness and low cost. However, the administration of coccidiosis vaccines by spraying needs to meet some requirements in order to ensure that we will take advantage of all the potential of such vaccines. In this presentation, we will describe these main points to be reviewed and accomplished when administering coccidiosis vaccines by coarse spray at the hatchery.

Understanding Newcastle disease with focus on vaccination strategy
Prof. Dr. Abdul Rahman Omar DVM, PhD, FASc
3:20, 8:50, 14:20, 19:50 Lima (GMT -5)
10:20, 15:50, 21:20, 2:50 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
15:20, 20:50, 2:20 (+1), 7:50 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

The presentation covers various aspects of Newcastle disease virus, which includes the different NDV pathotypes and genotypes, virus transmission, epidemiology, diagnosis, and control of Newcastle disease in the field.

Newcastle Disease: Control & Prevention starting from hatchery
Professor Jiroj Sasipreeyajan, D.V.M., Ph.D.
4:00, 9:30, 15:00, 20:30 Lima (GMT -5)
11:00, 16:30, 22:00, 3:30 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
16:00, 21:30, 3:00 (+1), 8:30 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

Newcastle disease is an important disease, Then the management procedures and emphasizing on biosecurity play the key role on the disease prevention. Vaccination starting from hatchery can help alleviate production loss and mortality.

Traceability for hatchery vaccination
Marc Pulido
4:40, 10:10, 15:40, 21:10 Lima (GMT -5)
11:40, 17:10, 22:40, 4:10 (+1) Madrid (CEST)
16:40, 22:10, 3:40 (+1), 9:10 (+1) Bangkok (GMT +7)
30th September 2022

There are different types of devices in the market and they are covering different needs. The traceability itself has the value each customer can get from it. Some ideas are launched on this talk and some examples of how Hipra supports their customers needs with automatic traceability.